Dear Egon, Please find attached an invitation to attend the 100 year celebration of Baptist beginnings in the Holy Land on May 12-14, 2011 in Nazareth.We would love to see you with us. Please feel free to invite others that might be interested in this event.In Christ, Dima Naoum
Nasaret är den största palestinska staden i Israel, ligger där de galileiska höjderna möter Jisreelslätten, den har 65000 inv. varav 31% är kristna och 69% är muslimer. Nasaret Illit (övre Nasaret ) är en nybyggd helt judisk stad där bor 40000 inv. Jag besökte kyrkan i Nasaret okt 2008 läs mer: Nasaret-2
Look at what Nazareth gave to us....what can we give back?
Se även :Video of the 11th grader Haya Bishara in Israeli Parliament on the 1st of February addressing the prime minister about the need to pursue equality and job opportunities for Arabs in Israel:
Haya Bishara speaks Hebrew, but here a translation of her speech into English:
Knesset Chairman Mr. Revlin)- I am hounored to invite to the stage kenessset member Afo Igbarie and the Baptist School 11 grade student Haya Bishara.
(Knesset member Igbarie) (Baptist School 11 grade student Haya Bishara.)-.Mr. Chairman,
Honorable Knesset
Mister Prime minister, you have formerly declared that you advocate for equality between Arabs and Jews, and I truly hope that the government you lead will indeed act to promote equality.
However, for me, equality is still a vague dream, however, inequality we already had experienced as students at school, through the shortage in classrooms, Laboratories, equipment and so on.
Even for those of us who manage to survive the formal pedagogic system for the native Arab minority, graduate and acquire academic credentials, their odds to attain employment in accordance with their qualifications are nonetheless poor.
Honorable Knesset, we, the Arab youth, are asking for an equal opportunities in education and employment, and want to integrate in this country as equal citizens.
Knesset members, you ought to act to attain equal opportunities and diminish disparity, so we could all carry on together toward a better future.
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